The Discovery of DNA: Implications for the 21st Century
Dr. James Dewey Watson, having received the 1962 Nobel Laureate for his part in discovering the structure of the DNA molecule, discusses...
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The Discovery of DNA: Implications for the 21st Century
A More Perfect Human: The Promise and the Peril of Modern Science
Academic Medicine During the Nazi Period and Implications for Creating Awareness of Professional Responsibility Today | William Seidelman, M.D.
Frankenstein or the More Perfect Human: Who Will It Be?
Genetics and Modern Eugenics by Medical Student Amanda Broderick
Medical Ethics and the Holocaust
Eugenics: Science as Morality
Academic Medicine During the Nazi Period and Implications for Today | Prof. Dr. Volker Roelcke
Clinical Genetics vs. Eugenics
Human Biodiversity and Eugenics
Harvard's Eugenics Era
Germany Grapples with Its African Genocide