
The Discovery of DNA: Implications for the 21st Century
Dr. James Dewey Watson, having received the 1962 Nobel Laureate for his part in discovering the structure of the DNA molecule, discusses...

Risky Medical Treatments- Jewish Perspective
Director of the Center for Medical Ethics, Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem and winner of the Israel Prize for his...
Dachau, Hubertus, Strughold, and NASA
NASA is an organization that has been notorious for holding a lot of community and media attention. Space sciences in general seem to...

Interview of Dr. Michael E. DeBakey, May 16, 2008
Pioneering cardiovascular surgeon; developed the mobile army surgical hospital (MASH) units and established the Veteran’s Administration...
American Eugenics
As unfamiliar as most people are with Nazi eugenics, they are even less familiar with American eugenics. American eugenicists provided...

Judaism, the US Seal, and Medicine on the Fourth of July
By MEIR SOLOVEICHIK (from the Wall Street Journal, July 1, 2016) Mr. Soloveichik is the rabbi and minister of Congregation Shearith...