Academic Medicine During the Nazi Period and Implications for Creating Awareness of Professional Responsibility Today | William Seidelman, M.D.
Browse our extensive catalogue of papers, lectures, and more
Power for Life or Power for Death? How and Why Science and Religion Can Work Together for Life After the Holocaust
What Happened to the Primary Victims of the Nazi Public Health Policy of "Applied Biology"?
Radical Evil: 2013 Film Deconstructs Psychology of Nazi Killers
Genetics and Modern Eugenics by Medical Student Amanda Broderick
Fear God Alone, a Poem by Medical Student Andrea Gerberding
Vivien Spitz, Interview II
Traute Lafrenz, Interview I
Traute Lafrenz, Interview II
Vivien Spitz, Interview I
Eva Mozes Kor, Interview II
Fritz Haber: Jewish Chemist Whose Work Led to Zyklon B
Teaching About the Holocaust: Influencing How Generations Will Learn from the Past
Overview of Nazi Medicine and the Ethical Violations During National Socialism
The Conditions and Antecedents
Roles of Physicians, Nurses, and Caregivers in the "Final Solution"
How Healers Became Killers
Roles of Physicians and Nurses in the Medical Experiments Related to "Racial Hygiene"
Post-War Trials and Consequences